„Perfect – Perform and Share Local Histories“ :
Zusätzlich zu den Skillsboats und Communtiy Maps, die im Rahmen von Erasmus+ von unseren Schüler:innen erstellt wurden, um sich der historischen Evolution unserer Umgebung bewusst zu werden, wurden an unsere Schule in den letzten Jahren etliche Aktivitäten und Workshops mit Schüler:innen durchgeführt, um die Realisierung des Projektziels, nämlich der Erarbeitung eines gemeinsamen internationalen „Cultural Projects“, einer Theater- und Videoperformance, die Einblick in das Leben einer für die jeweilige Regien besonders wichtigen und berühmten historischen Persönlichkeit geben sollte, zu gewährleisten. Natürlich fiel unsere Wahl bei der historischen Berühmtheit auf Erzherzog Johann, da Erzherzog Johann durch seine vielfältigen Interessen, seine fortschrittlichen Gedanken und seine Bemühungen die Steiermark nachhaltig geprägt und zu ihrer positiven Entwicklung maßgeblich beigetragen hat. Und dies in mannigfachen Bereichen des Lebens, wie unsere im Projekt involvierten Schüler:innen in unterschiedlichsten Workshops zur Geschichte der Steiermark, zur besonderen Biographie sowie zu den mannigfachen Interessen unseres Titelhelden und damit verbundenen, von ihm initiierten Veränderungen und Innovationen erfahren konnten. Bei einer Exkursion zum Joanneum Museum Schloss Stainz konnten unsere Schüler:innen bei äußerst interessanten Führungen durch die Ausstellung vieles über die steirische Geschichte, Erzherzog Johanns Leben und Familie sowie über die Architektur der damaligen Zeit erfahren.
In unterschiedlichen Workshops und mit verschiedensten didaktischen Methoden wurden anfangs Umsetzungsideen und -möglichkeiten für unser Projektziel diskutiert. Der Ideenreichtum unserer Schüler:innen war hierbei äußerst beeindruckend. Schlussendlich fiel die Entscheidung, Hoodies und T-Shirts zu entwerfen sowie eine Videoperformance (als theatralischen Beitrag mit modernen und historischen Szenen, die auch die Helden unserer Projektpartner beinhalten sollten) zu gestalten. So wurden ab nun in Workshops Dialoge verfasst, ein beeindruckendes Logo für Hoodies und T-Shirts designt, ein Skript geschrieben, Theaterszenen entwickelt, ein Nachbau eines Hochofens entwickelt, um den Prozess der Stahlgewinnung zu veranschaulichen, eine Choreographie entwickelt zur Darstellung des Baus der Eisenbahnlinie Wien – Triest, Musik für die Performance eingeübt, im Tonstudio aufgenommen und vorgetragen.
Im Rahmen eines Transnationalen Projektmeetings an unserer Schule im März 2023 konnten unsere internationalen Partner aus Italien, Brüssel, Ungarn, Malta, Rumänien und Frankreich Einblick in den Arbeitsfortschritt erhalten. Bereits zu Beginn des Meetings konnten unsere Projektpartner überdies den internationalen Flair unserer Schule erkennen, als unserer Schüler:innen sie in den unterschiedlichsten Sprachen, die sie zusätzlich beherrschen, begrüßten. Anschließend gab es von Schüler:innen durchgeführte Führungen durch unsere Schule auf Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Ungarisch und Rumänisch. Im Rahmen dieses
Treffens gab es darüber hinaus einen äußerst interessanten Vortrag zu Leben und Wirken Erzherzog Johanns von Herrn Mag, Wirnsberger, dem Leiter des Museum Joanneum Schloss Stainz. Bei einem Tanzworkshop des Volksliedwerk Steiermark konnten unsere Projektpartner auch noch ihre Kenntnisse im Polkatanz und Jodeln erweitern bzw. vertiefen.
Anfang des Schuljahres 2023/24 gab es weitere hochinteressante Aktivitäten im Rahmen unseres Erasmus+- Projektes „Perfect – Perform and Share Local Histories“. In einem Film- und Videoworkshop mit unseren Schüler:innen, vorrangig von Schüler:innen der damaligen 7E, 8A und 8D wurde aus dem Theaterstücks ein Film. Dieser Film konnte im März 2024 beim Festival in Sanremo unseren Projektpartner:innen vorgeführt werden. Der in englischer Sprache realisierte Film – die Arbeitssprache des Projektes ist Englisch – stieß auf große Begeisterung bei unseren Projektpartner:innen.
Um anderen Schulen Einblick in die für die Realisierung eines solch groß angelegten Projektes notwendigen didaktischen Maßnahmen, Arbeitsschritte und Maßnahmen sowie eine Hilfestellung zu geben, wurde von allen Projektpartnern gemeinsam ein Buch geschrieben.
Die Projekthomepage (Perfect Virtual Showcase) gibt Überblick über die teilnehmenden Pilotschulen und verleiht Einblicke in die Heimatstädte dieser Schulen, Learning Design, Arbeitsprozesse, Citizenship Education sowie Kompetenzen und Transversal Skills, die im Zuge der Projektarbeit gefördert oder sogar entwickelt werden. Auch das von den Projektpartnern verfasste Handbook für school team leaders kann man dort finden sowie auch die Community Maps.
Die Mitarbeit an diesem Erasmus+-Projekt bietet unserer Schule mit unserer gelebten Vielfältigkeit die Möglichkeit, die Talente und Begabungen unserer Schüler:innen für eine breite Öffentlichkeit sichtbar zu machen.
Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei unseren Schüler:innen für die kreative und motivierte Mitarbeit an diesem Projekt.

A short project description
„John on Stage“
A scenic performance by the students of
BORG Dreierschuetzengasse
“John on stage”, a scenic video performance created by students of BORG Dreierschützengasse for students from all over Europe, aims at depicting the extraordinary life and achievements of Archduke John, whose genius and innovative spirit can still be felt in Styria and many other parts of Austria today. Archduke John’s manifold interests in agriculture, technological, industrial and scientific advances together with his specific appreciation of education have permanently shaped the Styrian landscape and the city of Graz. But the Archduke was not only interested in innovation and development. He also had a very modern attitude towards love and marriage, which is another outstanding aspect to be seen in the video performance.
As soon as it was clear that we had were given the great chance of presenting a highly appreciated and widely influential historical personality in a multi-national Erasmus+ project, we explained the partaking students of then 5E, 7B, 7D and 7E the principles and objectives of a transnational Erasmus+ project.
As a starter, studio class days were organized to provide students with the possibility of investigating into various fields and aspects of project work and Erasmus+ (e.g. finding connections, definitions and derivations)
- Finding the PERFECT personality
At the beginning we started discussing various personalities with the students from the two Science classes initially involved in the project, using a variety of didactic methods in order to foster creativity and imagination, such as Brainstorming, De Bonos Thinking Hats, Walt Disney Method, World Café, Placemat, Advance Organizer; discussion of important research skills. After discussing a few potential historical celebrities it was soon obvious that Archduke John had to be chosen as his contribution to Styrian and Austrian history is extraordinary and still prevailing in several areas of everyday life.
In a kick-off input session the students heard about important aspects of Archduke John’s life, then the students were given some time to find out more about the main character of our future stage performance, “John on Stage”.
In groups the teenagers from 5th and 7th grades elaborated on multiple topics related to Archduke John as for instance the Habsburg family, his childhood and youth, education and schooling, occupations, interest for innovation and change in various areas such as agriculture and farming, steel production, higher education as well as his relationship with Anna Plochl. Within their groups they could agree upon a learning product of their own choice for the presentation of their findings to their peers. In the course of the presentation phase it turned out that the majority had decided upon a power point presentation since they obviously like working with the computer.
To directly plunge into action, students were assigned the task of investigating into our school’s neighbouring areas to find out about changes throughout the centuries. Of course, they were allowed to find team members and choose the areas themselves. The students were thrilled by realizing how the different areas have been shaped by shops and/or cafes closing down and opening again and by the foundation and construction of the FH Joanneum. One group were especially excited about being given a guided tour through the new Science tower of our Smart City, the most modern part in our neighbourhood and finding out about the tower’s exceptionally beautiful roof garden. All changes discovered were depicted in community maps which were presented to all participants.
- Finding the PERFECT cultural project
After the presentation and diving into the community it was essential to focus on the cultural project which should be realized including students from all our school’s branches. As diverse as his contributions to our beautiful country, so diverse should the depiction of his impressive innovations and changes be realized in our cultural project. Therefore, using a variety of didactic methods (Studio classes, Sandwich model, World Café, Placemat, additionally investigating into and incorporating Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences) students tried to come up with as many ideas as possible, ranging from vases realized using a 3D-printer to comic books, VR glasses, apps, songs, clothes and videos. Naturally, a ranking had to be made until we finally agreed on the production of a stage performance turned into a video, starring students from all our branches as this seemed to be the most attractive to everybody. The idea for a video was highly appreciated for another simple but tremendously important reason: As the Sanremo festival, where all the projects’ performances were supposed to be staged was said to be set in the spring of 2024, staging the performance in person could not be guaranteed as our students (like all other grad students in Austria) prepare for and already take the first part of their A-levels in this time. With a video we could definitely become part of the performance though.
Next, it dawned on us that actors should be adequately donned for the performance which led to the design of a logo for pullovers and T-shirts created by students from 7th grade (Science class) realized in the arts lesson together with their teacher. In this case, the aforementioned different didactic approaches were used in order to realize an amazing design that can be seen below:

- Finding the PERFECT approach
Through investigation into Archduke john’s life, students found out about historically important aspects they aimed to include in the stage play that should later on become the basis for the video on Archduke John’s life.
Therefore, dialogues for a script were written during studio classes by students from the 8th grade while the scientific depiction of the process of steel production was created and then realized by students from grade 6 (science classes). Additionally, students from our art classes created an artsy depiction of the railway construction (Vienna – Triest) using suitable colours and backgrounds, even including movable parts to imitate the construction progress. Furthermore, they took and selected pictures of places and buildings Archduke John has initiated and/or shaped. Moreover, students from the music class recorded the background music for the play. Last but not least, students from the drama class took the dialogues written by the students from the science class as a basis for the script they developed together with the drama teachers. In the end, the music, the railway construction scene and the theater scenes were put together to create “John on Stage”, a play about the most relevant aspects of Archduke John’s life. Students were very motivated as they were given a lot of freedom to be imaginative and creative due to the usage of various open didactic methods during project work.
- Finding the PERFECT cast
Nomination of students for diverse parts, no matter if music, drama, arts or science can sometimes be a little tricky. Yet, by giving the teenagers the freedom of self-nomination or peer nomination every now and then, the process turns out being not that problematic as they are given a say in the process. Nevertheless, sometimes the teacher must interfere in order to make sure students do not choose what they are not best at or overwhelm themselves by volunteering for too many responsible tasks and thus adversely impacting their performance at school. Responsibly keeping the aforementioned aspects in mind and by reasonably explaining choices various parts can be addressed quickly without any further discussions.
- The PERFECT rehearsals
When planning, organizing and creating a major large scale project like the cultural project for Perfect, it goes without saying that it is of tremendous importance to rehearse and practice in regularly, but always keeping track of school assignments, tests, exams, excursion – in a nutshell the average schoolyear. Additionally, those responsible for the project also have to remember that other teachers should be informed about rehearsals as well as project and studio classes as not to interfere negatively with their lesson plans. So schedules and rehearsal periods have to be communicated in a reliable and visible, well-structured manner. Further to that, all teachers must be informed about the project’s progress and steps ahead. Still, a little flexibility on all levels of school is needed in case progress is not as expected for multiple reasons.
- Skills occurring
Another essential part of project work at school is the occurrence and the development of various skills, e.g. people skills, research skills, transversal skills, IT-skills. Therefore, the students created skills boats in order to show and review what skills they drew on and/or noticed when working on the project.